Think not that I am come to destroy the law…. (Matthew 5:17) Imperative law obedience Don’t let anyone tell you our salvation doesn’t require obedience to Yahweh’s1 law. Obedience is imperative. Our salvation in Jesus Christ is dependent not only upon His atoning blood sacrifice and resurrection from the grave, but also upon His obedience […]
Posts Tagged ‘Pharisees’
“Redeeming” Christ From Those Who Would Make Him a Sinner, Pt. 1
Posted: 11th September 2015 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: commandments statutes and judgments, kingdom, kingdom of heaven, law obedience, Mosaic Covenant, New Covenant, Pharisees, Sermon on the Mount, sinless sacrifice, Ted Weiland, till heaven and earth pass, triune moral law, Yahweh's law
Open Response to Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s “How Christians and Conservatives are Helping to Destroy America”
Posted: 7th December 2014 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: America, America's Christian tradition, America's greatness, biblical elections, biblical qualifications for civil leaders, biblically qualified judges, Christian Colonials, Chuck Baldwin, constitution, constitutional elections, constitutional framers, Constitutional Republic, Declaration of Independance, democracy, elections, Enlightenment concepts, founders, God-expected responsibilities, God's blessings, God's curses, law of nature, Masonic concepts, natural law, nature's God, optional rights, Phariseeism, Pharisees, Republic, revealed law, Second Amendment, theocracy, Thomas Jefferson, United States Constituiton, US Constitution, Yahweh's moral law, Yahweh's morality
I appreciate much that Pastor Baldwin stands for. As compared with most of today’s pastors, he’s one in a million. Given the time to sit down and compare notes, he and I would probably find more that we agree than disagree on. Nevertheless, I couldn’t differ with him more when it comes to his promotion […]
WWJD? Are You SURE You Want to Know? Pt. 2
Posted: 28th June 2014 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: and judgments, antinomians, burglary, commandments, Eighth Commandment, parable of talents, Pharisees, self-defense, statutes, triune moral law, usury, What would Jesus do?, WWJD?, Yahweh's moral law
As demonstrated in Part 1, doing as Jesus would do requires we consult Yahweh’s1 triune moral law (His commandments, statutes, and judgments2) as the principle means for determining the answer to this extremely important question: He that saith he abideth in him [Jesus] ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. (1 John […]
Lawyers vs. Legalers
Posted: 17th April 2014 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: attorney, Christian lawyers, Judicial Branch, lawyers, legalers, Moses' seat, Pharisees, supreme law of the land, traditions of the elders, We the People
lawyer … One versed in the law, or a practitioner of law….1 lawyering … the practice of law.2 Despised profession Lawyering, today, is a nearly universally despised profession. For example: Question: “Do you know the difference between a dead skunk and a dead lawyer on the highway? Answer: “There are skid marks in front of […]
Straining at Gnats . . . Pt. 1
Posted: 15th March 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: constitution, constitutional framers, Pharisees, Sundays excepted, year of our Lord
When Christ accused the scribes and Pharisees of straining out gnats and swallowing camels, He was reprimanding them for putting greater emphasis upon the minor issues of Yahweh’s1 law to the exclusion of the weightier matters. This inversion was born from their emphasis upon outward obedience over inward motivation: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, […]