[E]xamine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22) President Trump, America’s King Cyrus? In Part 2, I began a biblical examination of President Trump’s inaugural speech. For everyone who looks to Yahweh1 as their sovereign and thus His Word as their authority, I cannot […]
Posts Tagged ‘constitutional framers’
Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Letting Trump Speak for Himself: Biblically Examining Trump’s Inaugural Speech, Pt. 3
Posted: 18th February 2017 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: America first, America's greatness, anti-federalists, constitution, constitutional framers, Deuternomy 28, Donald Trump, federalists, First Commandment, God first, Isaiah 5:20, King Cyrus, liberty, making America great again, Nimrod, Patrick Henry, perfect law of liberty, President Trump, President Trump's inaugural speech, President's Inaugural Speech, secular government, sovereignty, supreme law of the land, Ted Weiland, Trump's inaugural speech, We the People, We the Peopleism, Yahweh's law, Yahweh's moral law, Yahweh's perfect law of liberty, Yahweh's sovereignty
Open Response to Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s “How Christians and Conservatives are Helping to Destroy America”
Posted: 7th December 2014 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: America, America's Christian tradition, America's greatness, biblical elections, biblical qualifications for civil leaders, biblically qualified judges, Christian Colonials, Chuck Baldwin, constitution, constitutional elections, constitutional framers, Constitutional Republic, Declaration of Independance, democracy, elections, Enlightenment concepts, founders, God-expected responsibilities, God's blessings, God's curses, law of nature, Masonic concepts, natural law, nature's God, optional rights, Phariseeism, Pharisees, Republic, revealed law, Second Amendment, theocracy, Thomas Jefferson, United States Constituiton, US Constitution, Yahweh's moral law, Yahweh's morality
I appreciate much that Pastor Baldwin stands for. As compared with most of today’s pastors, he’s one in a million. Given the time to sit down and compare notes, he and I would probably find more that we agree than disagree on. Nevertheless, I couldn’t differ with him more when it comes to his promotion […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 6
Posted: 7th June 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 3, Biblical court, constitution, constitutional framers, Constitutional Republic, Judicial Branch, judiciary, lawyers, Marbury v. Madison, Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court
In this article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 3’s Judicial Usurpation On June 27, 2005, in Van Orden v. Perry, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas declared, “All told, this Court’s jurisprudence leaves courts, governments, and believers and nonbelievers alike confused—an observation that […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 4
Posted: 24th May 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Alexis de Tocqueville, Article 2, Colonial governments, Compact, constitution, constitutional framers, Constitutional Republic, Fundamental Agreement of the Colony of New Haven, McGuffey's Eclectic Reader, Portsmouth, Puritans, Rhode Island, sovereignty, theocracy, theocratic, William McGuffey
In this article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 2’s Executive Usurpation Isaiah 33:22 informs us that Yahweh1 is our judge, lawgiver, and king. This means He alone is sovereign: He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 3
Posted: 17th May 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 1, Christendom, commandments statutes and judgments, constitution, constitutional framers, supreme law of the land, swallowing camels
In this article, I continue to address some of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 1’s Legislative Usurpation Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines a “legislator” as “a lawgiver, one who makes laws….”1 How does this definition and Article 1’s Legislative Branch comport […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 1
Posted: 3rd May 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Baal, constitution, Constitutional Christians, constitutional framers, Constitutional Republic, First Commandment, humanists, idolatry, Preamble, theocracy, We the People
In the previous series, “Straining at Gnats…,” I addressed what is regrettably an all too common malady among people who call themselves Constitutional Christians—that is, the propensity to try to read the Bible into the Constitution or, at least, into the minds of its framers. The extent that some people go in their attempt to […]
Straining at Gnats… Pt. 7
Posted: 26th April 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 6, Bill Fortenberry, Christian Constitututionalists, Christian tests, constitution, constitutional framers, Hidden Facts of the Founding Era, straining at gnats, supreme law of the land, traditions of men, We the People
In this article, I complete my examination of Mr. Fortenberry’s “Hidden Facts of the Founding Era,” in which he proposes forty-eight points that allegedly prove the Constitution was based upon the Bible. Point #45 “Article 6 – ‘All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against […]
Straining at Gnats… Pt. 6
Posted: 19th April 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 3, Article 4, Article 6, Bill Fortenberry, constitution, constitutional framers, good behavior, Hidden Facts of the Founding Era, judges, Judicial Branch, juries, jury nullification, sovereignty, treason, two or more witnesses
In this article, I continue to examine Mr. Fortenberry’s “Hidden Facts of the Founding Era,” in which he proposes forty-eight points that allegedly prove the Constitution was based upon the Bible. Point #37 “Article 3, Section 1 – ‘The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour.’ The […]