I’ve decided to change the order of Article 1 and Article 2 on the blog, placing the executive branch’s article before the legislative branch’s article. I will not be posting the rewrite of Article 1 on Constitution Mythbusters until August 30, Lord willing. This will provide an extra week for anyone interested in submitting a […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Article 1: How Would You Write It?
Posted: 2nd August 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 1, commandments statutes and judgments, constitution
After “completing” the Preamble, for a future generation of our posterity to perhaps use as a guide for doing it right(eous) the next time, I wasn’t necessarily intending to immediately proceed to articles for a future constitution. However, in addition to encouragement from others, this seems to be where the Lord is leading. I proceed […]
Posted: 26th July 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: commandments statutes and judgments, constitution, Preamble
We the people of Almighty God—known Biblically by His memorial name Yahweh,1 the one and only Sovereign over all creation2—humbly submit ourselves as individuals, families, churches, and communities to His rule3 as Judge, Lawgiver, and King.4 Because all power and authority resides with Him,5 we acknowledge that liberty, justice, domestic tranquility, and general welfare for […]
The Preamble: How Would You Write It?
Posted: 12th July 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: commandments statutes and judgments, constitution, constitutional convention, Constitutional Republic, framers, posterity, Preamble
There are, at least, two Biblical reasons why the Constitutional Republic is one day doomed to fail like all previous man-made governments (Daniel 2:44, etc.): 1) The framers failed to expressly establish government and society upon Yahweh’s immutable morality as codified in His triune law (His commandments, statutes, and judgments). As a result, the handwriting […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 10
Posted: 5th July 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Amendment 8, Bible's civil judgments, capital punishment, constitution, cruel and unusual punishment, death penalty, humanism, living document, righteous judgments, stoining, Supreme Court
In this concluding article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Amendment 8’s Denunciation of Cruel and Unusual Punishments Amendment 8 prohibits cruel and unusual punishments. But what did the framers mean by “cruel and unusual”? No one knows because the framers never defined this […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 9
Posted: 28th June 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Amendment 1, Article 6, Christian Constitututionalists, Christian tests, constitution, Establishment Clause, First Amendment, First Commandment, free assembly, free exercise clause, free speech, freedom of religion, monotheism, polytheism, polytheistic, religious tests
In this article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Amendment 1’s Government–Sanctioned Polytheism Article 6’s interdiction against Christian tests opened the door to government-sanctioned polytheism. Amendment 1’s provision for the freedom of religion locked the door open: George Mason, the “Father of the Bill […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 8
Posted: 21st June 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 6, constitution, Jewish influence, Jews, monotheism, polytheism, polytheistic, religious tests, saltless Christianity, Talmud, unequal yoking
In this article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 6’s Christian Test Ban and Its Polytheistic Repercussions Most Americans (even most Constitutionalists) are unaware of the Jewish influence and grave repercussions involved in the interdiction of Christian tests in Article 6: On both […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 7
Posted: 13th June 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 6, commandments statutes and judgments, constitution, Judge Roy Moore, Marbury v. Madison, Preamble, sedition, supreme law of the land, We the People
In this article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 6’s Seditious Supreme Law of the Land Article VI of the Constitution requires all state and federal officials to support that Constitution as the “supreme Law of the Land.” The America people ask no […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 6
Posted: 7th June 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 3, Biblical court, constitution, constitutional framers, Constitutional Republic, Judicial Branch, judiciary, lawyers, Marbury v. Madison, Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court
In this article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 3’s Judicial Usurpation On June 27, 2005, in Van Orden v. Perry, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas declared, “All told, this Court’s jurisprudence leaves courts, governments, and believers and nonbelievers alike confused—an observation that […]
Swallowing Camels… Pt. 5
Posted: 31st May 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Amendment 1, Article 2, constitution, First Amendment, George Washington, imprectation, oaths, polytheism, presidential oath, self-malidictory oaths, swearing by God's name, swearing on a Bible, We the People
In this article, I address another of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 2’s Atheistic, Polytheistic, and Impotent Oath of Office In addition to fearing and serving Yahweh1, Deuteronomy 6:13 commands us to swear by His name. There are at least three reasons for this command: 1) […]