[T]he law is ignored and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, justice comes out perverted. (Habakkuk 1:4) November 19, 2013, was the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. The speech is iconic, but is it Biblical? Unfinished Work It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
The Gettysburg Address: Iconic, But is it Biblical? Pt. 3
Posted: 5th December 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Abraham Lincoln, Christian tests, Colonial constitutions, commandments, commandments statutes and judgments, Confederate Constitution, Confederate soldiers, constitution, Constitution of the Confederate Startes of America, Constitutional Republic, framers, Gettysburg Address, humanism, imperialism, Lincoln's War, Preamble, War of Northern Agression
The Gettysburg Address: Iconic, But is it Biblical? Pt. 2
Posted: 29th November 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Abraham Lincoln, blood defiling, constitution, framers, Gettysburg Address, land consecration, land defilement, Lincoln's War, war, War of Northern Agression, warfare
[T]he law is ignored and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, justice comes out perverted. (Habakkuk 1:4) November 19, 2013, was the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. The speech is iconic, but is it Biblical? That the Nation Might Live Now we are engaged in a great […]
The Gettysburg Address: Iconic, But is it Biblical? Pt. 1
Posted: 23rd November 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Abraham Lincoln, constitution, Constitutional Republic, Declaration of Independence, freedom, Gettysburg Address, liberty, perfect law of liberty, responsibilities, rights, Spirit of the Lord
[T]he law is ignored and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, justice comes out perverted. (Habakkuk 1:4) November 19, 2013, was the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. The speech has become iconic. On June 1, 1865, Senator Charles Sumner described the Gettysburg Address as a “monumental act” […]
America’s Road to Hell: Paved with Rights
Posted: 8th November 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Amendment 9, Bill of Rights, God-expected responsibilities, immutable rights, non-optional responsibilities, optional rights, responsibilities, rights, Second Amendment, transgender rights
[B]ecause they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law … they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…. (Hosea 8:1, 7) Whirlwind Rights A familiar proverb declares, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” America’s road to “hell” has been paved with rights, including: Natural rights Human rights […]
Yahweh’s Everlasting Righteousness, Part 2
Posted: 1st November 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: commandments statutes and judgments, Mosaic Covenant, New Covenant, Old Covenant, Ten Commandments, triune moral law, Yahweh's righteousness
Shall mortal man be more just [righteous] than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker? (Job 4:17) In Part 1, I began with the assumption that Christians would answer both questions with a resounding, “No!” I then established that because Yahweh1 does not change (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, James 1:17), His everlasting […]
Yahweh’s Everlasting Righteousness, Pt. 1
Posted: 25th October 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: commandments statutes and judgments, Yahweh's moral law, Yahweh's morality, Yahweh's righteousness
Shall mortal man be more just [righteous] than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker? (Job 4:17) As Christians, I hope we would respond to those questions with a resounding “No!” But is this really how Christians answer? Yahweh’s inalterable nature For I am YHWH, I change not…. (Malachi 3:6) Every good […]
Article 3
Posted: 4th October 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 3, bail, blood avenger, capital crimes, casting lots, commandments statutes and judgments, community participation, constitution, contempt of court, damaged party, death penalty, dominion, false witnesses, fines, firing squads, first-degree murder, floggings, indentured servitude, insurance companies, judges, Judicial Branch, juries, lex talionis, lots, magistrate appellate system, nominations, premeditated murder, prisons, public executions, public trials, reckless negligence, required testimony, restitution, retribution, self-malidictory oaths, speedy trials, stone piles, stoning, victimless "crimes", witnesses
Section 1. All judicial authority resides in Almighty God and is, therefore, vested in Almighty God by Almighty God. Isaiah 33:221 declares Yahweh2 is King, Lawgiver, and Judge. His sovereignty is inherent in and over all three branches of government. Consequently, any civil judgment not congruent with His perfect law and altogether righteous judgments3 is […]
Article 3: How Would You Write It?
Posted: 13th September 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 3, constitution, judgments, Judicial Branch
With the Preamble, Article 1, and Article 2 “completed,” let us consider Article 3. As with the Preamble and first two Articles, I’ll submit my proposal in a week or two. In the meantime, I am requesting Article 3 proposals from our readers: If you were asked to be a delegate to a constitutional convention […]