When Christ accused the scribes and Pharisees of straining out gnats and swallowing camels, He was reprimanding them for putting greater emphasis upon the minor issues of Yahweh’s1 law to the exclusion of the weightier matters. This inversion was born from their emphasis upon outward obedience over inward motivation: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Straining at Gnats . . . Pt. 1
Posted: 15th March 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: constitution, constitutional framers, Pharisees, Sundays excepted, year of our Lord
Right, Left, and Center: Who Gets to Decide?
Posted: 8th March 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Article 1, ethics, good and evil, lawful versus legal, lawgiver, politicians, politics, Preamble, triune law, unlawful versus illegal, We the People
In politics, everything revolves around the positioning of right, left, and center. You’re either rightwing, leftwing, or a centrist. Politicians and non-politicians alike employ all three terms as if there’s a consensus on the parameters for those designations. Even if this were true, who gets to determine what’s right, left, and center, and how are […]
Rights and Metamorphosis (Guest Article by Roger Mitchell)
Posted: 23rd February 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: God-given rights, human rights, immutable rights, responsibilities, rights
I am 54 years old. I grew up in a conservative, Republican family which shaped my values and thoughts during my early years. When I became old enough to think for myself, I started to shed many of those and adopt my own. I don’t think like I used to and, even today, find myself […]
Pick One – Bible Law OR The U.S. Constitution (Guest Article by Dennis Woods)
Posted: 15th February 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: anti-federalists, antinomianism, Article 6, Christian nation, constitution, First Amendment, First Commandment, freedom of religion, pluralsim, polytheism, religious tests
A recent article in GodFather Politics bemoans President Obama’s Islamic sympathies and recent actions in an article entitled, “State Dept. Recruits Jihadists to Join Foreign Service.” In what can only be described as a mind-boggling policy move, the State Department recruited Muslim participants at a conference sponsored by groups with ties to radical Islamists to […]
Will the Boy Scouts Fawn at the Feet of the Wicked?
Posted: 8th February 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Boy Scouts of America, convictions, fear of Yahweh, First Commandment, homosexuals, sodomites, sodomy
The Boy Scouts of America are being pressured by today’s perverse society to renounce their long-standing policy and allow sodomites to join. This would not even be a consideration if this organization were still truly righteous. If they change their policy to accommodate homosexuals, they will find themselves fulfilling King Solomon’s proverb: Like a trampled […]
American Exceptionalism
Posted: 1st February 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: American exceptionalism, Colonial America, constitution, liberty, Preamble, We the People
American exceptionalism is the proposition that the United States is different from other countries in that it has a specific world mission to spread liberty and democracy. It is not a notion that the United States is quantitatively better than other countries or that it has a superior culture, but rather that it is “qualitatively […]
You Can’t Win Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight
Posted: 25th January 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: District of Columbia v. Heller, firearms, gun control, gun debte, responsibilities, rights, Second Amendment
The infamous gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place in Tombstone, Arizona, between the Clanton gang and the Earps (and Doc Holliday). It was won by the Earps because they came adequately armed for the battle. Conversely, our present gun battle isn’t shaping up to be much of a fight and will ultimately be lost. […]
Time for Pronomians to Come out of the Closet
Posted: 18th January 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: antinomian, antinomianism, dominion, pronomian, pronomianism, Reformed movement
Let me begin this article by defining two terms that may not be familiar to everyone reading this article: “antinomian” and “pronomian.” The word “nomian” is derived from the Greek word nomos, which means law. An “antinomian [is] a person who maintains that Christians are freed from the moral law by virtue of grace and […]
10 “Radical” Recommendations
Posted: 11th January 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Amendment 1, Amendment 2, Amendment 21, Amendment 8, Amendment 9, Article 1, Article 2, Article 6, Christian Constitutionalism, Christian tests, commandments statutes and judgments, constitution, cruel and unusual punishment, elections, firearms, First Amendment, First Commandment, freedom of religion, monotheism, of by and for Yahweh, polytheism, polytheistic, religious tests, rights, Second Amendment, supreme law of the land
Today’s blog was inspired by Allan Erickson’s post “Some Radical New Year Suggestions for Our Esteemed Leaders…” In it, he offered some excellent suggestions, but I propose that the following ten “radical” recommendations are far superior. #1: I propose the humanistic government of, by, and for the people be replaced with a government of, by, […]
Which God?
Posted: 4th January 2013 by Ted Weiland in UncategorizedTags: Amendment 1, antinomian, antinomianism, Christian civilization, First Commandment, freedom of religion, humanism, humanists, in God we trust, polytheism, polytheists, pronomian
For most of you reading this blog, the question of which god you serve is already settled: Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that Yahweh1 he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else. (Deuteronomy 4:39) …there is none other God but one … though […]